Thursday, August 12, 2010

Family in town for the Wedding!! Party :)

Ashley and her sisters
Ellynn and Jessica
All the girl cousins
Cam and Monica
The beautiful Beecher sisters
Me and the Hub
Ashley's Family
The Beautiful Bride Ashley! PS. Her dress was amazing!! She looked like a super model! It was so fun to be there with the whole fam. The Sealer did great and I even got teary eyed. I just love weddings :)
SO pretty!
Ashley and Dave!!! Wooot!!
Joel and his mama Paula

BBQ! Party at the Robbins! Family just chillin. (the day before the wedding) Everyone was in town so we just got to play all week with them! It was sooo fun!
The Wheel of Death....hahah jk! It is sooo fun! This is me and little miss Bennett!

Cute Beck!
Me and baby Harris
Monica, Beck, and Paula
Harley and Liza


  1. I almost didn't recognize you in the picture with the blunt bangs:) They look cute on you.

  2. Harley and Liza have grown up so much! They are such cute girls! Monica looks great with her bangs too, what a fun family you have for in laws! I want a turn on the wheel of death!

  3. I love your posts! I wish we could have been a part of the pre-wedding party fun, but I was a little busy. Thanks so much for coming!

  4. Chantell, I snuck over here b/c I saw your link on Cortney's blog. I'm right! There are no bad pictures of you, ever! You are so much fun, can't wait till we get out there to play again :)

  5. Great pictures and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for not posting the picture of me with my mouth wide open! Mindi is right, you do always look beautiful!

  6. Well first of all.. .I could have sworn I already commented to this lovely post... but was coming back for seconds! SO I guess this is first time... I just had to tell you that I JUST realized that joel's mom and sister look almost identical. I cant tell you how many pics I have seen his sister and thought it was his mom or vice versa.. which is so cool! they are both beautiful. As are you my love. So I am glad I sorted that out in my head... but it definitely may still cause some future confusion for this guy. Well me and Reagster miss you and would like to see you soon. She is not even an infant anymore.. a total baby! She plays with toys and bounces in her bouncy thing all day long. And even watches baby einstein. (she is going to be a genius) (is that even how you spell genius?! obviously I am not one.) And today.. she giggled.. like 4 times! Of course it was AFTER I took the picture from the sound the phone camera made, but whatever, I saw it. :) I love you harry (potter) robbins.

  7. So lame that we missed out on this party! I would have loved to see you. Always so happy...(; COme out east and visit us!!
