Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Presley's Party! 1 year old!

On July 7th Presley girl turned one!! I can hardly believe I have a one year old! She is hilarious and full of personality! The perfect words to describe her are sugar and spice. She is so happy and sweet but knows what she wants! So watch out! ;)
She LOVES kids and is quite the social butterfly! She loves her cousins and always has a good time with them.

At her party we had a sweet shop for the kids, water balloons, and a giant parachute for games. She even decided she wanted to swim in the fountain! Hey, it was her party, so into the fountain she went!

It was so fun to have family and friends come to celebrate and we loved having you there! :) Thanks for coming to celebrate!

1 year old facts:
-Loves to swim!
-Favorite foods are bananas, yogurt, string cheese, cooked veggies, and whatever Joel and I are eating at the time of course :)
-Climbs on anything she can
-Loves to pull and dump things out (especially moms makeup! Goodbye expensive MAC powder...)
-Totally loves jewelry!
-She loves to dance and shake it!
-She loves to clap.
-She says mama, dada, hi, yeah, and try's to mimic what you say.
-She loves animals.
-She loves to walk around with her stroller.
-She walks with help but is still crawling.
-She loves her babies and stuffed animals and is always giving them kisses!
-She loves to give kisses to Joel and I and it melts my heart!
-She loves to do tricks with dad and balance in the air on his hands. (brave little girl)
-She is a total book worm and loves to be read to :)
-Her favorite blanket is the white silk and fuzzy one that Grandma Welch gave her when she was born. She sleeps with it every night!
-She is so expressive and always pulling the funniest faces!
-She loves to give hi-fives, raise the roof, and play peek-a-boo!
-She loves her toys and is a busy bee.

There is so much more I could say about this little girl with her big personality. :) She is so fun and is our world! Love you sweet thing :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Benson Reunion 2012

We were lucky enough to go to the reunion this summer! It was so fun to see family and be in the beautiful mountains! I sure love grandpa Bensons land! It is so refreshing and peaceful up there. Presley loved it too! She loves being outside so she was in heaven. Sadly she was sick, but thankfully we had gone to the doctors right before we left for Wyoming and the doctor got her on an antibiotic and that sure helped! She was a trooper!
The last night it was rainy and chilly and I was worried about Pres. MontaFaye totally came to the rescue and offered for us to stay in her guest cabin (which is gorgeous and lovely!!) So we took her up on it and slept like angels in a toasty cabin with a wonderful fireplace right by our bed! Heavenly! Then we got up and went to the twins farewell! I still can't believe that those boys are all grown up and going on missions!! Micah, David, Stratton, and Ezra all spoke and did an awesome job. It was a great meeting and it was awesome to be able to be there and support them.
All in all the weekend was so great and I already miss being up there. And I'm so glad Presley likes camping. It is after all in her blood. ;)