Sunday, April 29, 2012

Outdoor Happenings

Joel and I love to adventure! Every chance we get we try to get out and about. Especially on beautiful sunny days! We CANNOT wait for summer! We made a summer bucket list already and have lots of plans :)

Here are some of our recent adventures since moving here to good old Utah County! Lots of hikes, picnics, park days, batting cages, kite flying, exploring, and bike rides!

We even got to meet up with the Welch clan in SLC for a picnic lunch one day! My mom, Tiff, Tanny, and the little girls ice blocked! Haha! It was a party! They were pros ;) Joel tried to ice ski...haha bless his heart. The little girls were behind him, giving him a little shove to get him going. :)

Summer can't come soon enough!!


  1. This is Alyse on Landon's google account... But...Hooray for all your posts! Loved catching up and finally getting the story on Joel's job/the move! You are such a cute family! Beautiful pictures :)

  2. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love them, you all look just darling!

  3. Girl, you truly are the cutest person I know. From the very first time I met you at school, I thought "she is seriously the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen" then, I got to know you and not only were you gorgeous but your personality was just as much!
    You, your hubby, and Presley are adorable and look so happy. Keep up the posts, i love reading them!
