Thursday, November 12, 2009

California happy thoughts

Sunny days, warm sand, brisk breeze, and blue skies. Oh how I love you Californ-i-a.
(just because....i love jumping pics. this is for you britt!)

If you are wanting a fresh new look of brilliance, come visit my store! :) I couldn't think of a better name than my own, so there you have it! :) ha ha jk jk I wish, but isn't that cool? A cute little boutique with the name of yours truly! (and its even spelled right! ha! What are the chances?) Too bad I never got to look inside...Joel wouldn't let me :( ha ha but its probably better that way because, one: we were in a hurry, and two: I would have wanted to buy something purely because its from "my store" :) ha ha dumb I know. But don't tell me you wouldn't be tempted....

I love animals, I do............but not THAT much. Here's to you pigeon man! I hope you have many days to come with your feathered friends. Let's be honest, they need supporters!

Oh michael, bless your heart. I love you, but not to this extent. I hope you can understand...
Oh and ps. did any one see " This Is It"? Brilliant! If you like his tunes and are into choreography you'll be entertained! He may be a little crazy, but you can't disagree that he has amazing talent!!

Santa Monica
I love the ocean, yes I do, but I don't know if I love it as much as YOU! BURRR! She was a lone dove out in the icey water of death! Heroic??? I think so!

Bad day Snoop Dawg? Good thing you were only wax. Shesh!

Joel was trying to be cool like Snoop D. :) ha ha. hun, you are way cooler, don't sweat it.

My fav, Dorris Day! I'm a sucker for the olden day movies. Her and Audrey, love it!
Well, that concludes our brief Cali visit. Stay tune for other adventures....


  1. I love you!! You are so adorable. That looks like such a fun trip and I just love to see what you are up too.

    I'll be darned! That store!! Wow! Sorry you didn't get to go in and buy something with your name on it! Next time.

    I agree with you about DD and AH. Weren't they lovely? I also love almost every Cary Grant movie...very formulaic but I don't care. I love Cary anyway!

    I'm glad to see you didn't get in the Pacific--super brrr!

    Can't wait to meet the ever handsome so-fun Joel. You guys were made for each other!!

  2. It was great to see pictures of your "trip?" to California. I love Santa Monica! We went tandem bike riding down that very beach. Fun times.

  3. Hi Chantell,

    Sorry I just saw your message. The puppies are 500-600. We have a girl for sale then my friend has 3 boys. Congrats on getting married.

  4. HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!! why didn't you TELL me you had a new blog?! I have been secretly mad at you for never updating your other one!!!!!!!!!! Well i forgive you and now will become a dedicated subscriber to this one :) you better never abandon me like that again. an ya, you can borrow reagy baby to dress her up. I am SOOO excited to have someone to play with my old dolls! (so i can get in on that action too...) I told nick too bad so sad- she isn't playing with his old GI Joes, its just how it goes. ;) LOVE YOU TO PIECES! lets get together soon. eh?
